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  2. Ranking


Identifying the most promising directions and trends in the market

Elements of ranking

Select the type of question:

Upload up to 10 images

Add additional characteristics

Select the characteristics of interest for ranking


Select the number of respondents and the geographic location of the survey:

Number of interviews *
Select coverage
Geography *
Select geography

We will be conducting a survey among those who have used the services of the company you specify during the period you specify.

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Question #1

Question #2

Question #3

Your Name, Last Name *
Your email *


You will receive the results of the survey in the form of a completed report

Survey title


0 €

The survey will launch after payment and moderation. Moderation takes up to two working days. You can follow the results on the "My profile" page.

Contact Information

Office Address: B2B Research
Rue de Montbrillant 26, 1201, Geneve, Suisse