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How do we do it?


Periodic monitoring of the main components of brand health (value) in the competitive environment - knowledge, usage, preference, trust, functional superiority and emotional value, as well as knowledge of the company's advertising communication.


Periodic survey (monthly, quarterly, semi-annual) of the company's clients using a structured, standardised questionnaire. The method involves random sampling of at least 50 respondents per wave.


Users of the product or service, people who make decisions about using the service or product, marketing and PR managers.

Two options are possible:

1. B2B Research panel - then the product should be popular enough for at least 20% of SMEs to have used it and be able to give their feedback.
2. Client's own base. We prepare the link, you send it to your clients and get the finished report.

Contact Information

Office Address: B2B Research
Rue de Montbrillant 26, 1201, Geneve, Suisse