User Agreement

Version 1 dated: May 30, 2024

1. Terms and Definitions

Provider – LLC "B2B Research", registered at: 111397, Moscow, Zeleny Prospect, 20, office 805, INN 7709772070; OGRN: 1077764217992.

Customer – a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur using the Web Service for the purpose of purchasing market research services.

Order – requests for market research submitted by the User via the Web Service.

Parties – the Customer and the Provider.

User – an individual with free access to the Internet. From the moment of concluding the Agreement, all actions of the User are considered actions of the Customer they represent.

Web Service – a collection of web pages posted on the internet, united by a common design and domain address space, through which orders for market research can be placed.

Personal Account – a functionality of the Web Service that allows managing the User's Account, including entering, changing, and deleting data personalizing the User or related to them.

User Account – a collection of static and dynamic information about the User, having a unique identifier (User ID), including but not limited to: login, password, full name, phone, email, etc.

Registration – a set of User actions aimed at obtaining access to the Web Service in the volume and under the conditions determined by the Agreement and this User Agreement.

Authorization – a set of User actions aimed at gaining access to the Web Service, accompanied by the transfer of information from the User, unambiguously associated with the corresponding User Account.

User Agreement – this user agreement posted by the Provider via the Web Service, regulating the legal relations between the parties regarding the use of the Web Services, including rules, conditions, and limitations.

Agreement – an agreement between the Customer and the Provider on all essential terms, generating mutual rights and obligations regarding the provision (purchase) of market research services via the service

2. Subject of the User Agreement

2.1. This User Agreement regulates:

i) Before the conclusion of the Agreement – the relationship between the User and the Provider regarding Registration on the Web Service, the use of the Web Service functionality for conducting trial (test) research;

ii) After the conclusion of the Agreement – the relationship between the Provider and the Customer in connection with the use of the Web Service, the procedure for placing Orders for market research, the exchange of information between the Parties, as well as other rights and obligations related to the execution of Orders, in which the User acts as an authorized representative of the Customer.

2.2. The Provider has the right to establish, change, and terminate (in whole or in part) the procedure for the User's use of the Web Service, including the Authorization procedure, the use of the Web Service, the procedure and/or volume of access to the Web Services, by changing the software code and by any other means, provided that such changes do not contradict the Agreement concluded between the Parties.

3. User Registration on the Web Service

3.1. To start working with the Web Service, the User must complete the Registration procedure by filling in accurate information in the appropriate registration form on the Web Service (

3.2. The User undertakes to keep the information provided during Registration up to date throughout the entire period of using the Web Service.

3.3. Information about the User, as well as the Customer contained in the User Account, is stored and processed by the Provider in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

4. General Terms of Use of the Web Service

4.1. To use the Web Service and place an Order for market research (including a test Order), the User must perform the following actions:

Authorize on the Web Service;

Select one of the available solutions (templates) on the Web Service;

In the order constructor, select the main characteristics of the market research to be conducted by the Provider;

After entering the information about the research, check the formed Order card;

Confirm the Order.

4.2. The Order formed by the User is reviewed by the Provider on business days from 9:00 to 18:00 Moscow time to ensure it complies with this User Agreement and other requirements and rules of the Web Service. Within 3 (three) hours, the Provider either confirms the Order or returns it to the User for correction of discrepancies.

4.3. The results of the completed Order are delivered via the Web Service in the User's Personal Account. To receive the results of completed Orders, the User must independently Authorize on the Web Service after the Order is completed and accept the results of the Services in the User's Personal Account.

5. User Rights and Obligations

5.1. The User has the right to:

5.1.1. Access the Web Service and use the Web Service within its functional capabilities at any time, except during maintenance work;

5.1.2. Refuse to use the Web Service;

5.1.3. Change the User Account password or make changes and corrections to the information about the User or Customer in the Personal Account, provided that such changes and corrections contain current and accurate information;

5.1.4. Contact User Support at any time via the email address [email protected].

5.2. The User undertakes to:

5.2.1. Properly comply with the terms of this User Agreement;

5.2.2. Not transfer (disclose) the User Account login and password to third parties. The User is responsible for actions performed with the User Account in case of violation of this obligation;

5.2.3. Independently take all necessary measures to maintain the confidentiality, prevent unauthorized use, and protect their login and password of the User Account from unauthorized access by third parties;

5.2.4. Not use software that provides automatic downloading and processing (parsing) of web pages of the Web Service to obtain the necessary data (not to "parse" web pages of the Web Service);

5.2.5. Not upload, store, distribute, or otherwise use via the Web Service any information (including links to it) that contains threats, defamation, deliberately false information, discredits, insults, defames honor and dignity, or business reputation or violates the privacy of third parties; may violate the rights and interests of others, including the rights of minors; contains obscene language, contains pornographic images and texts or scenes of a sexual nature both with and without the participation of minors; contains scenes of violence; inhumane treatment of animals; contains descriptions of means and methods of suicide, any incitement to its commission; promotes and/or contributes to the incitement of racial, religious, ethnic hatred or enmity, promotes fascism or the ideology of racial superiority; contains extremist materials; promotes criminal activity or contains advice, instructions, or guidance on committing criminal actions; contains calls for violent change of the constitutional order, seizure of power, mass riots; contains restricted information, including but not limited to state and commercial secrets, information about the private lives of third parties; contains advertising or describes the attractiveness of using narcotic substances, including "digital drugs" (sound files that affect the human brain due to binaural rhythms), information on the distribution of drugs, recipes for their preparation, and advice on their use; is fraudulent; violates other rights and interests of citizens and legal entities or norms of current legislation of the Russian Federation and other jurisdictions;

5.2.6. Not place materials on the Web Service if the User does not have the appropriate rights to do so. This prohibition applies to materials protected by copyright and related rights, trademarks, patents, as well as agreements on non-disclosure of information, confidentiality, and similar legal restrictions.

6. Information Security of the Web Service

6.1. Using the Web Service, the User undertakes not to violate or attempt to violate the information security of the Web Service, including but not limited to the following actions:

6.1.1. Access or attempt to access data not intended for this User or log in under parameters not belonging to this User;

6.1.2. Attempt to test the vulnerability of the Web Service security system, disrupt the Registration and Authorization procedures.

6.2. The User must immediately notify the Provider of any unauthorized access to the Web Service using the User Account and/or any violation (suspected violation) of the confidentiality of their access credentials to the User Account. For security purposes, the User must independently perform a secure log-off from their User Account at the end of each session of using the Web Service.

6.3. The Provider has the right to collect, store, and process cookie data. The Web Service uses an identification technology based on the use of special "cookies" that may be recorded on the User's device used to access the Web Service, which will subsequently be used for automatic User Authorization.

7. Personal Data

7.1. By completing the Registration procedure on the Web Service, the User, in accordance with Article 9 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006, No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data", consents to the Provider processing personal data contained in the User Account, i.e., performing the actions provided for in Clause 3 of Article 3 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006, No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data". The consent to the processing of personal data, the text of which is provided in Appendix A, is an integral part of this User Agreement and a mandatory condition for providing the Web Service. This consent is valid from the day of User Registration until the day the consent is withdrawn in writing.

7.2. The Provider has the right to collect, store, process, and transfer to third parties technical information, including data about the User's devices and internet connection: device type, screen resolution, operating system version, installed software, IP address, MAC address, etc.

8. Liability

8.1. The Parties are liable for non-performance or improper performance of their obligations in cases expressly provided for by the terms of this User Agreement.

8.2. The Web Service is provided "as is" in accordance with the generally accepted international practice. The Provider is not responsible for problems arising during the updating, support, and operation of the Web Service (including compatibility issues with other software products, as well as discrepancies between the results of using the Web Service and the User's expectations).

8.3. In case of non-compliance with the terms of this User Agreement, the Provider has the right, depending on the nature of the violation, to take the following measures: suspend the provision of Services for orders, block the User Account, remove information and data posted in violation of the established legal requirements or in violation of the rights and legitimate interests of third parties from the Web Service; terminate the User Agreement.

8.4. The inaction of the Provider in case of violation of the provisions of the User Agreement does not deprive the Provider of the right to take appropriate actions to protect its interests later.

9. Other Conditions

9.1. All claims, inquiries, questions, any other correspondence on issues related to the operation of the Web Service must be sent to the Provider's email address [email protected].

9.2. In case of adoption of regulatory legal acts by the authorities of the Russian Federation, affecting the operation of the Web Service in whole or in part, the Provider reserves the right to make any changes to the operation of the Web Service aimed at bringing it in line with the new norms and requirements.

Appendix A to the User Agreement

Consent to the Processing of Personal Data

The User, in accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2006, No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data", freely, by their will and in their interest, consents to the Provider processing their personal data, i.e., performing the following actions: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, distribution (including transfer, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of the User's personal data. This consent is given concerning the following personal data of the User: surname, first name, patronymic; date, month, and year of birth; gender; contact details (phone numbers, email addresses); identification document data; information about the place of residence and/or place of work, as well as any other information provided by the User.

Processing of the User's personal data is carried out for the purpose of:

providing services for conducting market research through the Web Service;

communicating with the User, including sending notifications, requests, and information related to the use of the Web Service, as well as processing requests and applications from the User;

verifying the information provided by the User, including personal data.

These actions may be carried out using automation tools. The User also consents to the transfer, for the purposes specified in this clause, of their personal data by the Provider to third parties under a properly concluded agreement between the Provider and such third parties.

This consent is given for an indefinite period.

This consent may be revoked by sending a written statement to the Provider or an electronic letter to the email address [email protected] indicating the number of the main identification document, information on the date of issuance of the specified document, and the issuing authority. The Provider stops processing personal data for purposes not related to the execution of the User Agreement within a period not exceeding 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of receipt of the said revocation, except for data that must be processed in accordance with current legislation and the execution of the Agreement.

Contact Information

Office Address: B2B Research
Rue de Montbrillant 26, 1201, Geneve, Suisse