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How do we do it?


Testing allows you to reasonably select the best name for a product, service, event or communication campaign from several options. Testing is based on the evaluation of both functional (e.g. euphony) and communicative properties of the proposed name variants.


Survey of the company's clients using a structured, standardised questionnaire. The method assumes a sample of at least 50 respondents. Up to four name variants can be included in the test.


Users of the product or service, people who make decisions about using the service or product, marketing and PR managers.

1. B2B Research panel - then the product should be popular enough for at least 20% of SMEs to have used it and be able to give their feedback.
2. Client's own base. We prepare the link, you send it to your clients and get the finished report.

Contact Information

Office Address: B2B Research
Rue de Montbrillant 26, 1201, Geneve, Suisse