In the last decades of the 20th century, Corporate Reputation has attracted a lot of interest from the business community. This seemingly intangible concept has turned into a financial one and has become one of the most important assets of an organisation, valued in its balance sheet.
Corporate reputation is a collective opinion about a company, formed over time in the minds of target groups on the basis of expert assessment of economic, social and environmental aspects of its activities.
Based on the analysis of Fortune magazine, we can say that corporate reputation is one of the most important strategic advantages of a company:
In our model, we use the following indicators, which are the most common in the research industry and make up an organisation's 'reputation pyramid':
Willingness to recommend
Share of the target audience who have heard of the company
Share in the target audience of those who know the company's work well
Share of the target audience with a positive opinion of the company
Share in the target audience of those who trust the company
Share of the target audience ready to recommend the company
In addition, we assess the company's image (a stable emotionally coloured image formed in the minds of target groups as a result of perception of information about the organisation) and its communication activity.
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